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  • DeNiro and Epstein (1978) suggest that for “small organisms”, analysis of the “total animal” carbon will in most cases provide
    a better measure of diet than the analysis of individual tissues, biochemical fractions, or biochemical components.

  • DeNiro and Epstein (1978)建议:对于体重很小的生物来说,使用整个生物体(而不是生物体的某个组织,e.g., 筋肉)来测定碳同位素更准确。

源文献1: DeNiro M, Epstein S (1978) Influence of diet on the distribution of carbon isotopes in animals. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 42: 495-506.

  • PINNEGAR and POLUNIN (1999) suggest that “white muscle” is found to be less variable in δ13C and δ15N than all other tissues, and is probably the best tissue for use in ecological work.
  • PINNEGAR and POLUNIN (1999)建议:对于一般的生物进行碳氮稳定同位素分析时,使用“白色筋肉”为最佳选择,因为它比其它各组织同位素变化更小,即更稳定。
源文献2: PINNEGAR and POLUNIN (1999) Differential fractionation of δ13C and δ15N among fish tissues: implications for the study of trophic interactions. Functional Ecology 1999 13, 225–231.

  • 随时间变化的转化率模型 参照Tieszen等的指数模型[源文献3]:
δt = δf + (δi - δf)evt 【公式一,此指数模型必须确保具有显著意义,即模型的 p-value < 0.05】

式中, δt 代表t时刻的各组织的同位素比值;δf 代表各组织同新食物达到平衡的最终同位素比值、δi 代表食性
转变前初始同位素比值,v 代表转化率,t 代表食性转变实验开始后的时间(单位,days)。

注意:δt 即因变量y,即符号 δ13C或δ15N;t 即自变量x,即时间。另外,δf,(δi - δf),v 均为关于 y~x的指数方程直接得出,而非人为设定。

  • 半衰期:
t50 =ln(0.5)/v 【公式二】 注意:有的文献里半衰期的公式写成 ln(2)/v ;其实实质是和上面的公式一模一样,因为 ln(0.5)= - ln(2) = - 0.6931472.

只是当 转化率计算公式里的 v 取 包含 负号 或者不包含 负号 的差别 [i.e., 转化率v 本身包含负号的话((δi - δf)evt),公式取 ln(0.5);但,当 转化率v 本身不包含负号的话(δi - δf)e-vt,公式取 ln(2)]

Tieszen et al_1983.PNG

源文献3:Tieszen L L, Boutton T W, Tesdahl K G, Slade N A. Fractionation and turnover of stable carbon isotopes in animal tissues: implications for δ13C analysis of diet. Oecologia, 1983, 57: 32-37.

【拓展版:将转化率v分成两部分(m+k),k为growth rate,m为matabolic turnover constant】[源文献3.2]

δt = δf + (δi - δf)e-(k+m)t 【公式三,此时转化率v=-(m+k),即计算半衰期时一定要注意用ln(0.5)还是ln(2),见上述说明】

W=W0*ekt 【公式四,如果要与上述公式一致的话,其实此公式应该写成: Wt=Wi*ekt

式中, W0 is the fish weight (单位,grms) when the food was switched, and W is the fish weight (单位,grms) at the time of t(单位,days).

源文献3.2:Hesslein R.H., Hallard K.A., Ramlal P. 1993. Replacement of sul- fur, carbon, and nitrogen in tissue of growing broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in response to a change in diet traced by δ34S, δ13C, and δ15N. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50: 2071-2076. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/f93-230

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# 四 #

  • 随组织生长的转化率模型 参照Fry和Arnold的指数模型: [源文献4]
δt = δf +(δif)(wt/wi)c

式中,δt 代表t时刻的各组织的同位素比值;δf 代表各组织同新食物达到平衡的最终同位素比值、δi 代表食性转变前初始同位素比值,

wt 代表t时刻实验鱼的百分比体重(percent weight,相对于初始体重的百分比,> 100%),wi 代表初始实验鱼的百分比体重(设为 100%),c 代表代谢衰减指数。

When c = - 1, no turnover occurs, and simple “dilution” applies; for c < -1, turnover commences and is more rapid for lower values of c.

当 c = -1,表明同位素转化率是由组织生长引起的;当c<-1,表明同位素转化率主要是由组织代谢引起的。
  • 相对生长速率: SGR= ln(wt/wi)/t 【其实就是公式四,SGR=k】
源文献4:Fry B, Arnold C. Rapid 13C/12C turnover during growth of brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus). Oecologia, 1982, 54: 200-204.

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Fry and Arnold_1982_2.PNG

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  • Guelinckx J, Maes J, van Den Driessche P, Geysen B, Dehairs F, Ollevier F. Changes in δ13C and δ15N in different tissues of juvenile sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus: a laboratory diet-switch experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2007, 341: 205-215.

  • 曾庆飞,谷孝鸿,毛志刚,周露洪.同位素富集-稀释法研究食性转变对鱼类不同组织N同位素转化率的影响.生态学报,2012,32(4):1257-1263.

Zeng Q F, Gu X H,Mao Z G,Zhou L H. Effect of diet switch on turnover rates of tissue nitrogen stable isotopes in fish based on the enrichment-dilution approach. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2012,32(4):1257-1263.

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