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摘自 5 Hobbies That Make People Better At Their Jobs.

  1. YOGA 养生(慢节奏型爱好)
    One activity that Eschleman believes can improve overall work performance is yoga.

    Showkeir adds that yoga also taught her an important virtue commonly accepted amongst musicians and other hobbyists; that while practice makes perfect, perfection is unattainable.

  3. VOLUNTEERING 社工(志愿活动-奉献精神是一种自我价值实现)
    In his study Eschleman also noted the positive benefits of volunteering, which can provide a more broadened perspective and a sense of community.

  4. PLAYING TEAM SPORTS 多人team运动(培养“团队合作”能力)
    Another way to improve collaboration skills is through competitive team sports, though it is just one of the many work-related benefits of hitting the court, gym, diamond, rink, track, pool or other sports venue after work.

  5. LEARNING IMPROV COMEDY 即兴喜剧(“即兴练习”是一种培养“活跃思维”的好兴趣)
    Though it may seem like fun and games, improvised comedy classes teach students how to collaborate, think on their feet, develop ideas and express their creativity without fear of ridicule, which can be invaluable skills in the workplace.

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