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Part I: 感谢篇

Response to Reviewer #1 (Highlight in blue text)
Comment 1: It is very good view to xxxx.
Response: We thank you for your positive comment. We have responded to each comment or suggestion one-by-one in the following pages.

Part II: 修改篇

Comment 2: xxxx.

Response: We have modified the title/sentence as follows: “xxxxxx”.

Comment 3: xxxx.

Response: Modified/Reviesed as follows: “xxxxxx”.

Comment 4: xxxx.

Response: Modified/Revised/Removed as suggested.

Comment 5: xxxx.

Response: We have reconstructed these two subsections into one subsection as follows: “xxxxx”.

Part III: 增加/删除/移动篇

Comment 6: xxxx.

Response: We have added one sentence (in Line xxx to mention this point) as follows: “xxxxx”.

Comment 7: xxxx.

Response: We have deleted all those sentences described xxxxx.

Comment 8: xxxx.

Response: We have moved these sentences to xxxxx.

Comment 9: xxxx.

Response: Removed/Deleted as suggested.

Part IV: 解释篇

Comment 10: xxxx.

Response: Two sentences addressed the reason as follows: “xxxxx” and “xxxxx”.

Comment 11: xxxx.

Response: Since/Because xxxxx.

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