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(一)常用检索: 1. JCR-IF查询路径一, 路径二, 路径三      2. CiteScore-IF查询     3. SCI期刊检索     4. 中科院分区查询路径一, 路径二     5. SSCI检索     6. ESCI检索     7. EI检索 (备用)     8. ISTP检索
(二)ESI检索&Nature Index查询: 1. ESI查询      2. Nature Index查询      3. Nature Index Journal列表
(三)基金查询入口: 1. 国自然官方查询     2. 国自然梅斯查询     3. 国自然科学网查询
(四)备用网址: 1. 梅斯SCI期刊智能查询     2. 论文被SCI收录情况查询方法     3. CSCD期刊检索     4. 中国知网检索     5. PubChem     6. ChemSpider     7. 科研者之家     8. 爱科研

SCI论文Cover Letter常用语句

Cover Letter:投稿信。

Example 1:首次投稿Cover Letter

Prof. xxx (corresponding author name)
Department of xxx
Name of institution
Guangzhou 510000, China
Tel: (86) 20 85xx xxxx; Fax: (86) 20 85xx xxxx
Email: xxx@xx.edu.cn

Dear Editor,
第一段:I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled “xxx”, as “Research article”, for review consideration and possible publication in xxxx (Journal Name).


In our manuscript, we xxxx. Besides, we also xxxx. We believe that knowledge carried out in this manuscript can be applied to understand the environmental fate, and ecological and human health risk of xxxx, too.

第四段:This manuscript is original work and is not under consideration by any other journal. All authors have approved the submission of this manuscript for consideration.

第五段:On behalf of other authors, I thank you editor in advance for receiving and considering it for review, and look forward to your feedback.

Sincerely yours,
xxx (corresponding author name)

Example 2:返修稿投稿Cover Letter

May 1, 2021 (Date)

Dear Editor and anonymous reviewers,

We are submitting our revised manuscript, entitled “xxxx” (Manuscript ID: ENVINT-D-21-06666R1). We appreciate your valuable comments to our manuscript. We revised our draft to the best based on your views and suggestions. Please see our responses to the reviewers’ comments in this document and marked changes made in this manuscript. The English in this manuscript has been checked by at least two professional editors, both native speakers of English. For a certificate, please see: http://www.textcheck.com/certificate/xxxxx

英文润色的写法2:The English in the manuscript was checked by native speaker of English (Perfect English Proofreading英文润色公司).

We hope that our revisions are satisfactory. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
xxx (corresponding author name)

* Corresponding authour: E-mail: *@.edu.cn

Sincerely yours? or Yours sincerely?

美式英语:Sincerely yours,
英式英语:Yours sincerely,


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